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ZombiU review

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  • ZombiU review

    ZombiU is a re-imagining of the very first game that Ubisoft ever published, and represents a back-to-basics approach of the best kind. No timid attempt at carving off a slice of the bloated zombie market, ZombiU takes a new path - one that cuts a swathe through the horde. If it's not quite perfect then that's no terrible criticism, and whatever else, it is one hell of a launch title.

    The concept of ZombiU comes down to an overly familiar combination of words: survival horror. Discounting the Day Z mod (which is quite distinct from this), it's been a long time since zombies have lived up to that idea. ZombiU's zombis [sic.] are the classic shambler - slow-moving but relentless when roused, invulnerable to anything but headshots and invariably deadly up-close. It's a game where you have to remain in total control of every encounter, or death follows.

    The first time I died in ZombiU was during the tutorial. Surrounded by zombis, I dashed to a ladder under the instructions of a mysterious cockney. The first-person perspective showed my hands gripping the rungs and movement upwards: relief. Except the view then jerked downwards to a zombi grabbing my leg - which began clumsily grasping my waist as I kicked out at its mouth, panicking. We both fell, the viewpoint hitting the ground at 90 degrees with a dull thud. I scrambled up and, facing another two zombis, tried to go for the ladder again. First, and last, mistake. I was hauled down again and, this time, unceremoniously mauled.

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