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Mirror's Edge 2 in production, claims Swedish dev

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  • Mirror's Edge 2 in production, claims Swedish dev

    ngmoco's Ben Cousins says it is "general knowledge" that free-running sequel is in development; EA says it doesn't want DICE to be "Battlefield factory."
    Rumors of Mirror's Edge 2 have been swirling for years, but according to ngmoco's Ben Cousins, the game is no rumor, but in fact a reality. The Swedish developer and former Electronic Arts employee said over Twitter today that it is "general knowledge" in the Stockholm, Sweden (where DICE is located) development scene that the free-running sequel is in production. An EA representative was not immediately available to comment.

    Cousins' tweet was in response to an Official Xbox Magazine report in which EA Games vice president Patrick Soderlund confirmed non-Battlefield projects were in development at DICE. He was asked to justify the "risks" associated with developing games like Mirror's Edge when sequels to established franchises are historically known to sell well.
    "Well it depends, right? Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. It's also important for us; the DICE guys are roughly 300 people in the Stockholm studio; not all of them are working on Battlefield things, and that's intentional, because we don't want to become a Battlefield factory," Soderlund said.
    The developer added that telling DICE employees that they will only work on Battlefield games for the duration of their tenure would be detrimental for morale.
    "The minute we start saying 'you're going to make a Battlefield game for the rest of your life', they're going to go some place else," he said. "So for them to make great Battlefield games there need to be other things for them to do as well. That's why we have people who move around quite a bit. And then obviously we have a boatload of people that just want to make Battlefield because they love it."
    Battlefield 4 is currently in development at DICE, with a beta for the game arriving in late 2013. It is also believed that the studio is working on Battlefield: Bad Company 3.
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    "Mirror's Edge 2 in production, claims Swedish dev" was posted by Eddie Makuch on Wed, 21 Nov 2012 05:38:53 -0800
