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Google Nexus 4 review

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  • Google Nexus 4 review

    Google's Nexus program may be the closest the company has come to challenging Apple's iPhone with a focused product, but thus far it has proven to be curiously muted. The Nexus One cut out the mobile networks and was sold online directly to the general public - a strategy which resulted in lacklustre sales. The subsequent Nexus S and Galaxy Nexus fared better, but still didn't generate the kind of near-religious fervour from buyers that Apple's phones tend to do.
    For the fourth Nexus phone, Google has enlisted the assistance of South Korean manufacturer LG, and once again returns to the concept of cutting out the middleman and retailing the phone directly to consumers via its online Google Play store. The recent launch was a much-publicised sell-out, with the entire launch shipment being snapped up within half an hour - an outcome which arguably has more to do with the Nexus 4's astonishingly low SIM-free price (£240 for the 8GB model, £270 for the 16GB) than the quality and allure of the handset itself.
    Disgruntled would-be buyers aside, the Nexus 4 is - in terms of pure column-inches, at least - Google's most successful Nexus yet. On paper, it packs some impressive features, including a quad-core processor, 4.7-inch IPS screen, wireless charging, NFC support and Gorilla Glass 2 protection on both the front and back of the device. But is it actually any good?
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