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Nano Assault Neo review

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  • Nano Assault Neo review

    Does the world need another twin-stick shooter? The competition is fierce with Super Stardust HD and Delta occupying the PS3 and Vita respectively, while Geometry Wars 2 remains as fun as ever on Xbox Live Arcade. Nintendo never had an entrant in the genre - probably due to the Wii and DS' lack of a second analogue stick. That's changed now with the Wii U. (Can we please start calling it a WU?) Shin'en's twin-stick shooter Nano Assault Neo is front and centre at the eShop at launch, hoping for a Geometry Wars-style success, but it does little to distinguish itself in an increasingly saturated genre.

    The obvious comparison to Nano Assault Neo is the Stardust series, in which you pilot a craft around spherical planets while blowing all manner of malevolent minerals and machinery to smithereens. Nano Assault Neo follows a similar tack, with the primary difference being that the playing field has been expanded from spheres to awkwardly shaped lumps called
