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Darbee Darblet review

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  • Darbee Darblet review

    Take a look at the comparison images at the top of this page. On the left we see an image grabbed from the Casino Royale Blu-ray, while on the right we see the same frame processed with our latest review subject, the Darbee Darblet. Is the perceived benefit you see - if any - enough to consider a £300 investment?
    The Darblet's creators believe that their product can actually improve upon the quality of your source material, be it standard def or HD, movies or games. The quick comparison above - which is considerably downscaled by the way - certainly seems to indicate that more detail is being resolved, making the Darblet a hot topic in AV circles. It certainly isn't cheap, but compared to the thousands of pounds asked for some high-end image processing boxes out there, AV enthusiasts might consider it something of a bargain - especially as it features support for resolutions up to 1080p, including 3D, effectively covering all your bases.
    The theory behind image enhancement is nothing new. Indeed, most HDTVs come with a range of image-processing options which allow users to tailor the picture to their specific tastes. Usually, we'd almost certainly advise users to turn off any such controls on their displays - simply to reduce display lag, if anything - but since much of the AV world appears to be embracing this new technology, with some glowing reviews out there, perhaps there's, er, more to it than meets the eye. Darbee itself certainly believes that its little box can make a real difference to image quality, having approached us about covering the unit and duly dispatching a review sample.
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