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App of the Day: PunchQuest

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  • App of the Day: PunchQuest

    You could say that PunchQuest has pedigree. An endless puncher by Rocketcat Games, the developer behind a superb series of hook-based platformers, its randomised design showcases craftsmanship and imagination of the highest order. No mean feat when the only goal is to punch as many enemies to death as possible.
    Your character runs from left to right through a Castlevania n' Goblins world, thwacking zombies, bats, wraiths and so on. Tapping the lower left of the screen is an uppercut, lower right is a straight punch, but from these two buttons PunchQuest ekes a varied move set. Tapping the uppercut button again while airborne, for example, executes a downwards slam, while pressing both sides together blocks.
    There's a tension at the heart of these controls. Getting good at PunchQuest requires precisely-timed punching, but all you ever want to do is let 'em have it with a flurry of mighty blows. It's about keeping cool. Whenever I'm hit, almost without exception, my character goes into a series of panicky jabs which guarantees a second hit lands. And man that second hit makes you want to punch things even more.
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