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Analysts doubt Sony will risk gamer backlash with anti-used game tech for PS4 as Game

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  • Analysts doubt Sony will risk gamer backlash with anti-used game tech for PS4 as Game

    Shares in gargantuan US game shop GameStop fell seven per cent yesterday following the news that Sony had filed a patent designed to restrict the use of second-hand games.
    The patent is for tech that matches individual game discs to user accounts and rejects games associated with another user account. Discs would come branded with a contactless tag which would be recognised and read by your console using the same sort of NFC technology present in modern bank cards.
    The patent does not specify which device it is intended for - nor does it guarantee the technology will be used - but it is seen as a statement of intent by a company that has already dabbled in its own Online Pass scheme for its first-party games and a possible feature of the upcoming PlayStation 4.
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