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Dead Rising 3 spotted on resume

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  • Dead Rising 3 spotted on resume

    LinkedIn profile of animation firm Blur Studio employee adds to speculation over unannounced Capcom zombie game.
    Additional evidence for the existence of Dead Rising 3 has come to light. The LinkedIn resume of a rigging supervisor at animation firm Blur Studio (via All Games Beta) includes mention of an unannounced third entry in Capcom's zombie-themed series.

    No further information on Dead Rising 3 was included in the LinkedIn profile, and a Capcom representative told GameSpot, "Capcom has made no announcements regarding any new Dead Rising titles."
    Venice, California-based Blur Studio has created cinematics for numerous film, television, and game franchises. Most recently, the company has done work for the games Guardians of Middle-earth and BioShock: Infinite, as well as the title sequence for David Fincher's The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.
    This is not the first time Dead Rising 3 has been spoken of outside official channels. During December 2011, a report suggested the game would leave series star Frank West behind, instead focusing on an auto mechanic named Rick. If the report proves accurate, the game will be set in a fictional town known as Los Perdidos, California, where a zombie outbreak has closed off the town's borders.
    Rick's plan, according to the report, is to restore a plane and escape the town before it is destroyed. Finding parts for the plane and getting it to fly will be one of the main features of the game, which will also reportedly include an "undercurrent of themes about illegal immigration."
    The most recent entry in the Dead Rising series was Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, which was developed by Blue Castle Games and shipped in September 2010. For more on that title, check out GameSpot's review.
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    "Dead Rising 3 spotted on resume" was posted by Eddie Makuch on Mon, 07 Jan 2013 10:55:26 -0800
