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Trends of 2013: The golden tail

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  • Trends of 2013: The golden tail

    2013, so we're told, is going to be the year of mass disruption in videogames. It's when the old ways are finally eroded by the new, and when new hardware's going to show up to a party that may already be long over. It's when PC gaming should cement itself at the top of the tree, when Microsoft and Sony are to unveil their own takes on the future and when the concept of a traditional console cycle is to be scattered to the winds, replaced with disparate hardware iterations and a million new ways to play games. In fact, given the current rate of hardware announcements Microsoft will have announced the new Xbox by the end of the week, and its successor will be unveiled some time next Tuesday.
    Come December things are clearly going to be very different. There will be casualties as double-A publishers find themselves squeezed out, and there will be success stories as double-A games find a new, more lucrative home on Steam or are magicked into life via the power of crowd funding.
    It's going to be twelve months that, no matter how you look at it, are going to be terribly interesting. But that's not the reason I'm excited about the next twelve months, and I don't think necessarily it's the reason you should be either. There's a strange dawn on the horizon, but more exciting is the golden dusk we're about to enter for what's likely the last traditional generation of consoles.
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