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Sonic-inspired platformer Freedom Planet has quintupled its Kickstarter goal in a wee

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  • Sonic-inspired platformer Freedom Planet has quintupled its Kickstarter goal in a wee

    Last summer I wrote about a retro platformer in the works called Freedom Planet. It had a rather polished demo and hearkened back to the olden days of Sonic with some Rocket Knight and Gunstar Heroes thrown in for good measure. Now developer GalaxyTrail has taken the project to Kickstarter where it's made over five times its goal in a week.
    Of course, GalaxyTrail's initial goal was a modest $2000, but as of writing this the total comes to $10,676 with 23 days to go before the deadline on 14th February.
    In fact, Freedom Planet was so successful that it met all of its initial stretch goals earlier today and had to add new ones. Based on the first 10 grand, GalaxyTrail made enough to add animated cutscenes and a fourth playable character named Spade, hire extra programmers, and get a leg up in advertising costs so the developers can get a head start on the next game in the series.
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