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Wave Trip review

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  • Wave Trip review

    In an age where great iOS games seem to come out every week, you always need that little bit extra to stand out. Wave Trip is unusual enough, a 2D left-to-right flying game where the level's elements are also the sounds. But as well as its own layouts, called songs, Wave Trip offers a brilliant interface for building your own and brings in other user-generated content seamlessly.
    Each song is built out of blue, orange and pinky-purple shapes - the first two are good and the last is bad. Blue elements tick up your score multiplier one-for-one, whereas the orange ones are what actually scores - as well as releasing a friend of your weird avatar from captivity. Despite Wave Trip's overwhelming focus on musical gameplay, just as much care has gone into the art style; you control a flying pyramid-head, with a large eye straight from Patapon, who's flanked by tiny suns and bobs up and down on the left. On the right, various imprisoned buddies float around in bubbles.
    The enemy blocks come in types; most are stationary, some move to attack or follow patterns. You can create a shield to temporarily blast through them, but it's on a tight recharge timing, so most of the time Wave Trip is about rising and falling - with style. You use a single touch to make pyramid-head rise up, and release to fall down; simplicity itself, but with a real subtlety when it comes to being exact.
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