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Where the road takes you: investigating Kentucky Route Zero

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  • Where the road takes you: investigating Kentucky Route Zero

    Kentucky Route Zero is a fascinating game. The IGF-nominated adventure is so fascinating, in fact, that we've taken the unusual decision not to review it, despite the first of five episodes being available to download right now.
    The simple truth is that having reached the end of the "first act", I'm intrigued - but have absolutely no idea where the story is going. In a game as narrative-led as this, a review at this juncture seems as pointless as reviewing a novel based on the first chapter or offering criticism of a movie after watching the opening 20 minutes.
    And that, in itself, is exciting. Previous episodic games have been careful to portion out their story and gameplay in self-contained chunks with clear goals and cliffhangers to lead you into the next chapter. Act one of Kentucky Route Zero, by comparison, is deliciously inconclusive.
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