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Sine Mora lead collaborating on another Japanese-Hungarian shmup for 2014

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  • Sine Mora lead collaborating on another Japanese-Hungarian shmup for 2014

    Former Digital Reality creative director Theodore Reiker - best known for his work on the shockingly sophisticated shmup, Sine Mora - has left to start a new studio, Prior Games, where he'll be working on another Japanese-Hungarian co-developed shmup for 2014.
    Codenamed Project Verona, little is known about it, but Reiker said in an interview with Joystiq that it would be "more conservative in its gameplay and less ambiguous in its storytelling," and that it will branch out of the genre's conventions.
    Reiker also noted that he'll be working on a series of mobile "microgames" in the meantime in the vein of Nintendo's minimalist bit.Generations and Art Style series.
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