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Wildfire Worlds: Eurogamer takes on a power station

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  • Wildfire Worlds: Eurogamer takes on a power station

    I've just spent two days kicking a power station. It wasn't a bad experience, really. Power stations can take quite a lot of kicking, it transpires: they're a worthy opponent and an interesting adversary.
    The power station in question's located towards the upper west side of Wildfire Worlds' shoebox version of London, and I chose it as a target for a number of reasons. First off, starting out by trying to take down one of the game's larger monuments seemed foolhardy, and perhaps slightly lacking in class, while tackling something purely for the shock value - a school, say - made me feel kind of weird and sleazy. Then there's the fact that the power station would hopefully cause infrastructure damage I could subsequently capitalise on: it would affect street lamps and traffic lights, creating pools of murky urban darkness where my mindless insurrection could fester. Finally, there's always The Power Station, isn't there? The "super group" formed by Robert Palmer and members of Chic and Duran Duran. As invitations to indulgent violence go, that's a pretty tempting proposition by itself.
    Also, and I'm probably revealing too many of my tactics here, the power station's right by a tube exit. Tube exits aren't just cosmetic additions to Wildfire's tabletop cities. Pedestrians spill out of them en masse at regular points throughout the day and night, and a good source of pedestrians means you can always count on recruiting an activist or two. Activists - stay with this - are how you impact the world of Wildfire in any meaningful sort of manner: they're tiny little green guys who will flock to your cursor if you hold down the left mouse button, or spread throughout the city if you leave them to their own devices. They will fight the cops, they'll try and create other activists whenever they see crowds and - most importantly - they're just itching to kick power stations for hours on end. This is the future, basically, and that George Orwell quote almost had it nailed.
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