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Wreck-It Ralph movie review

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  • Wreck-It Ralph movie review

    Toy Story for video games! Who Framed Roger Rabbit for the Nintendo generation! Disney's Wreck-It Ralph, a movie about the inner lives of arcade characters, invites some pretty weighty comparisons and it's perhaps understandable that it doesn't quite live up to its promise. It does, however, offer your only chance to see Q*Bert on the big screen.
    Our titular hero, voiced by John C. Reilly, is the hulking Donkey Kong-style villain of a 30-year-old arcade game by the name of Fix-It Felix Jr. Every time somebody inserts a quarter, Ralph stomps his way up the side of an apartment block, smashing windows as he goes. Then Felix springs into action, leaping from window to window, putting everything right with a golden hammer. At the end, Felix and the chunky little inhabitants of the block throw Ralph from the roof and he splats into a muddy puddle at the bottom.
    The twist is that these aren't little wisps of code going through the motions but sentient beings with hopes and dreams. In Ralph's case, those hopes and dreams get crushed every time he takes his end-game tumble. His fellow characters in the game want nothing to do with him - crudely trying to keep him from attending their 30th anniversary celebration - and Ralph's only outlet is visiting a support group for similarly afflicted bad guy characters.
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