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Saturday Soapbox: Defining PlayStation 4's games

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  • Saturday Soapbox: Defining PlayStation 4's games

    If there's one resounding positive to be taken from the PS4 conference that lurched into the early hours of Thursday morning it's that Sony placed an emphasis on games, and it delivered a message aimed square on at gamers. The conference may have lingered a little too long, but be grateful that in a running time that reached over the two hour mark there was barely a minute handed over to the new console's multimedia capabilities.
    At a time when people are feeling increasingly marginalised by machines they bought to play games with, it's a welcome ratio - and come the revelation of Microsoft's plans for its future Xbox later this year, it's a ratio I expect to be switched. Sony's listening to us, it seems, and it's done well to align itself strongly with the core gamer. Like Nintendo, it's realised that it's the core gamers that are the early adopters - and unlike Nintendo, it's got the relationships and the processing power to craft a proposition that sticks.
    And so the PlayStation 4 is a console that empowers the player, and although its philosophy was delivered alongside a bucket of corporate swash, I find the idea of a dedicated machine built with the modern gamer in mind quite intoxicating. Like Tom I think it misses Ken Kuturagi's buccaneering spirit, but these are more conservative times and we're more demanding players - plus the relative ease of development for the machine should ensure that the church of PlayStation is broader than ever before, which can only mean more of what we'll be investing in this machine for.
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