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Lord British launches Kickstarter for oldschool RPG Shroud of the Avatar: Forbidden V

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  • Lord British launches Kickstarter for oldschool RPG Shroud of the Avatar: Forbidden V

    Ultima creator Richard "Lord British" Garriott has launched a Kickstarter for his upcoming RPG Shroud of the Avatar: Forbidden Virtues.
    Developed by Garriott's studio Portalarium, Inc, Shroud of the Avatar promises to return to the genre's roots when it used to be about making tough decisions and influencing the story rather than grinding through arduous combat so you can be funneled through a streamlined narrative.
    "While advancements in graphics and sound have been phenomenal, in many ways the virtual worlds we play in have become less real. Less open. Less immersive," said the developer on its Kickstarter page. "With Shroud of the Avatar, Richard and his team will again reinvent the classic fantasy role-playing experience."
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