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Hollywood director Sam Raimi speaks of Blizzard's "mismanagement" of the World of War

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  • Hollywood director Sam Raimi speaks of Blizzard's "mismanagement" of the World of War

    Duncan Jones (Moon, Source Code) replaced Sam Raimi (Tobey Maguire Spider-Man) as the director of the World of Warcraft film earlier this year. But we never really knew why - until now.
    Sam Raimi spoke to Vulture about Blizzard's "mismanagement" of the project. Essentially he was taking the film in a direction that Blizzard didn't like, but he didn't realise Blizzard had veto power over his rewritten screenplay until it was too late; months of work were wasted by that time and impatience had crept in.
    "First they asked me if I wanted to make it and I said, 'Yes, I love World of Warcraft and I think it would make a great picture,'" said Raimi. "So I read a screenplay they had that was written by the guys at Blizzard and it didn't quite work for me.
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