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Starbreeze's latest looks like it could be this year's Journey

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  • Starbreeze's latest looks like it could be this year's Journey

    Between losing several of its key staff to a new start-up and suffering a high-profile flop, the past few years presumably haven't been the easiest for Starbreeze, the Swedish studio famed for muscular first person shooters such as The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay and The Darkness.
    "Starbreeze has always been a great studio, and still is a great studio," says COO Mikael Nermark. "But the industry's changed a lot. When I joined Starbreeze, I always wanted to go back to the roots of making games, where you have creatives running things and you're making games for passion. I'm not saying that people aren't making games for passion, but big budgets and big teams - it's layers of different management, and layers of different thoughts. I want to get away from that."
    He's steered Starbreeze well away from that: you couldn't get any further from Syndicate, the big-budget licensed shooter produced for EA, than with Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, a gentle, quietly thoughtful top-down adventure game that's bereft of both hyper-violence and explosions.
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