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Fears over the future of Star Wars games following Disney buyout of LucasArts

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  • Fears over the future of Star Wars games following Disney buyout of LucasArts

    Fears are growing over the future of Star Wars games following Disney's eye-watering $4.05 billion purchase of LucasFilm.
    A source told Kotaku that LucasArts, the video game division responsible for either publishing or developing all games based on the Star Wars license, is "bleeding talent" as its new paymasters drag their heels over the future of the studio's titles.
    According to Kotaku, LucasArts' mysterious Star Wars: First Assault, first spotted last year as an Xbox Live Arcade game, is a Call of Duty-style multiplayer-focused first-person shooter that may not be released despite at one time being due out this spring.
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