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Innovative party game Spin the Bottle to shake its booty on Wii U this May

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  • Innovative party game Spin the Bottle to shake its booty on Wii U this May

    Last year I wrote about the bizarre-looking Wii U party game Spin the Bottle in which players would complete multiple motion-based co-op challenges after spinning a virtual bottle - i.e. Wiimote - over a GamePad to see what kooky task they must tackle with a partner. The TV would not be used. It's now been reveled that developer KnapNok Games is aiming for a May release.
    The Copenhagen-based developer announced the release month to Joystiq, before confirming the news on its Facebook page.
    The up-to-eight player game will be playable at GDC later this month where it was named one of the eight "Best in Play" games by the conference organisers.
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