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The Hall of Heroes: BioShock Infinite's Fort Frolic?

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  • The Hall of Heroes: BioShock Infinite's Fort Frolic?

    SPOILER WARNING IN CAPITAL LETTERS: Do not read this until you have finished BioShock Infinite. Seriously. This is not a drill. I discuss the ending.
    We all went into BioShock Infinite expecting a bit of narrative duplicity - and boy did we get it - but once the frothing waters of the ending had grown still again in my head, the area of the game that left the greatest impression on me was the Hall of Heroes. People who go into these post-Looking Glass games seeking levels they can salute with the same pride as Thief 3's The Cradle or BioShock's Fort Frolic may want to turn their attention here.
    The Hall of Heroes is presided over by Cornelius Slate, an archetypal BioShock bad guy. An army man, he hates Zachary Comstock because he sees through his Prophet guise, not to Comstock's racist core, but to a false soldier who lied about this great military history he never really had - including victories at Wounded Knee and in the Boxer Rebellion. Conveniently enough, Booker was with Slate at Wounded Knee and so they can reflect on that conflict together through shouted exchanges as Slate watches Booker's progress from some unseen vantage point, taunting and teasing in comments designed to unsettle Elizabeth, while Booker pleads with him just to hand over the vigor they need to make progress back in the rest of Columbia.
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