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Hideo Kojima announces Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

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  • Hideo Kojima announces Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    Update #4: Hideo Kojima just tweeted that Ground Zeroes is the prologue section in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain:
    "'Ground Zeroes' is a prologue of 'MGSV'," he explained. "9 years after that event will be 'The Phantom Pain'. MGSV is constructed w/ prologue and main game 'TPP'. The game play demo I presented today is the opening of 'TPP' which is tutorial that starts from crawling."
    Update #3: Regular Snake voice actor David Hayter has said on Twitter that he's not involved. "Well look," he tweeted. "At least I had a good run." When asked by a fan whether he was asked to be involved at all, he replied, "Nope."
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