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Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon has cybersharks and mutant cassowarys

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  • Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon has cybersharks and mutant cassowarys

    What else is there left to say about Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon? After a series of leaks - some more convenient than others for Ubisoft, it would seem - there's little that hasn't been teased at, hinted towards or just gracelessly plastered onto YouTube.
    Sit down with creative director Dean Evans, though, and it turns out there's plenty left to say - and Evans is going to say it as energetically as possible, and with a fistful of colourful language thrown in to boot. A pepper-bearded Brit wearing slightly over-sized glasses and a matching WESC hoodie and cap, he's the embodiment of the punky, pop savvy spirit that defines Blood Dragon.
    "It's about that single glow," he explains, bouncing up and down in his chair. "Mum and dad have gone to bed and you're downstairs, there's the Vic-20 over there on the black and white TV, the Atari over there. You've seen those consoles change, but the one thing that's stayed the same is these shitty action movies burning your retina, watching Robocop again and again and again and watching that police station scene in Terminator and rewinding it, pressing play and watching it again."
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