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Heavy Rain cost €16.7 million to make and made Sony "more than €100 million"

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  • Heavy Rain cost €16.7 million to make and made Sony "more than €100 million"

    Quantic Dream's Guillaume de Fondaumiere revealed to a Digital Dragons audience in Poland today that PlayStation 3 exclusive Heavy Rain cost just €16.7 million to make - even with all those emotional polygons stuffed in.
    With Sony's marketing and distribution on top, the total spend looked something like €40 million. But, Fondaumiere said, "Sony earned more than €100 million with this game. It's very profitable."
    His point, and he used the commercial successes of Journey to aid it - he doesn't know how much that game cost but he knows it made money - was that, "We should stop thinking that innovation rhymes with unprofitable." Heavy Rain, in other words, was more than a vanity project for Sony.
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