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Pixel Defenders Puzzle review

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  • Pixel Defenders Puzzle review

    A man may be entitled to the sweat of his brow, but what happens when he wants to chill out? Pixel Defenders Puzzle may well be the answer, an iOS title that's like an RPG Triple Town, and a recommendation from none other than Ken Levine - a sure sign, if one were needed, that this is much more than just another match-three puzzler.
    Pixel Defenders Puzzle takes place on a screen-sized grid which, depending on the level, can be dotted with obstacles, ready-made warriors, and one pixelly VIP. Keeping the latter alive is nearly always your goal. Waves of enemies will enter at the top of the screen and a countdown ticker indicates when they'll attack; some go straight for the jugular, others freeze the VIP in place, and mages buff their allies.
    Matching pixels is how you build an army to take the beasties down. Early stages limit the number of colours you're working with, each one producing a different kind of defender, and three pixels combine to create a low-level warrior; blue pixels, for example, will create a wizard. Every match you make produces energy to fill a five-part action gauge, and attacking with any defender uses one action point.
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