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How one New Cross developer found itself working on Sony's indie-loving handheld

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  • How one New Cross developer found itself working on Sony's indie-loving handheld

    New Cross can be a funny place. A handful of miles shy of East London, the capital's hub of wonky hats and haircuts, it's always threatened to be cool, but for every flat white served here there's another reminder that it's never quite made it, for better and for worse. It's modish Shoreditch delivered on an often reassuringly small scale.
    Which makes it a fitting home for a young, sparky developer working on a new game for Sony's funny little handheld. "The Vita's like the hipster of the games world," roll7's creative director John Ribbins tells me over a mug of tea served in a corner of a scruffy South East London studio. "There's not many of them, people think they're a bit weird, but they've got cool stuff. It just doesn't have a beard, and doesn't ride a Penny Farthing."
    Ribbins doesn't have a beard and he doesn't ride a Penny Farthing, but he does have a passion for skating that's informed roll7's first dedicated console venture, OlliOlli. It's a simple, stylish and subtly deceptive game. At first, its 2D visuals may put you in mind of the endless numbers of endless runners you've played before, but get playing and it's soon apparent this is something else entirely.
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