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Deep, deep down: Exploring Capybara's Xbox One-exclusive roguelike Below

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  • Deep, deep down: Exploring Capybara's Xbox One-exclusive roguelike Below

    Microsoft's been the industry's punching bag over the last week, but beneath the used game debate, exhorbitant price tag and archaic attitude towards self-publishing, boutique studio Capybara (of Sword & Sworcery and Clash of Heroes fame) is working on one of more intriguing indie games on the horizon. Below was one of E3's most brilliant surprises, and to find out more I caught up with Capybara president Nathan Vella to outline this mysterious upcoming project.
    Simply put, Below is an action roguelike. It's portrayed from a top-down perspective and features real-time combat, permadeath, and randomly generated locales. In keeping true to the best of the genre's entries like The Binding of Isaac and Spelunky, Below will be hard. Very hard. But it'll also be fair.
    "Below is our love-letter to roguelikes of yore, and to games that were about very difficult almost harsh combat that's very fair," explained Vella as we chatted about his game sitting in a carpeted hallway at E3's Los Angeles convention center. "Once you become familiar with the combat and the way that it works, anytime you die it will be be your fault, not the game's fault."
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  • #2
    Microsoft Gives a First Look at Windows 8.1

    First public demo of Windows 8.1.

    Microsoft last week formally introduced the world to Windows 8.1, an upcoming update to Windows 8 that will bring back the Start button (yay!) but not the Start menu (boo!), along with a handful of other features. Following up that announcement, corporate vice president of Windows program management Antoine Leblond joined Windows CFO and CMO Tami Reller and a few other top Microsoft executives on stage at Computex do demo the upcoming free update. Don't worry if you couldn't attend, the software giant also released a YouTube video highlight the release.
    Of course, the big news yesterday was that Outlook 2013 RT would be hitching a ride to Windows RT tablets via the Windows 8.1 update, but if you're not interested in Windows RT, there's still plenty to digest in the Windows 8.1 update.
    For starters, the lock screen is transformed into a cloud-powered photo stream. Once you jump into Windows, you'll notice some new tile sizes, both big and small. If you swipe up, you'll see a list of all the apps you have installed, which you can sort by name, date installed, most used, or by category.
    Have a look at these and other changes:

    Windows 8.1 will be available later this summer.
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