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Bigger really is better: Dead Rising 3 preview

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  • Bigger really is better: Dead Rising 3 preview

    I very keenly remember the first time I saw Dead Rising. Back in 2005 Microsoft was the first out of the gate with the Xbox 360, and I couldn't have cared less. I was still quite happy with the PS2/Xbox/Gamecube generation and every early Xbox 360 game I saw just looked like a fancier skinned Xbox game. Then I saw Dead Rising. It wasn't a showstopper graphically, but it did something not possible with the previous gen's technology. It created a world where hundreds of zombies could co-exist in the same place.
    So when Dead Rising 3 was announced I wondered what it could do to push the hardware even further. The answer: bigger locations with more zombies. Having seen a 20-minute presentation of the Xbox One-exclusive E3, I'm delighted to say that this rather obvious direction still manages to wow.
    Where the first two Dead Rising games were confined to a mall, this third numbered entry expands the scale to an entire town. Thankfully, the zombie count has been increased so drastically that even with the massively expanded real estate, navigation is still a sticky wicket. It actually appears to be harder than ever. In the last couple of Dead Rising games, the zombies themselves didn't pose much of a threat as you could just run past them most of the time. This time around, you'll frequently find yourself in that classic scenario where you're trapped on a roof with a writhing sea of the undead shuffling below, and you'll need to find a way past them.
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