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Microsoft restores game ownership and expects us to smile

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  • Microsoft restores game ownership and expects us to smile

    I remember waking up on the day Microsoft unveiled its original set of Xbox One policies, reading through them on my phone and being desperately sad. When I wrote about them that morning, I chose a headline that reflected the kind of sombre dejection I was feeling: Microsoft kills game ownership and expects us to smile.
    The original policies would have taken ownership of games away from players completely, rather than allowing us to sacrifice it for the convenience of digital access if that was our choice. And while they promised to create mechanisms for sharing or reselling the licences that we would be paying for instead, the details were either murky or restrictive. The console would also have had to access the internet once a day or else.
    Less than two weeks later, Microsoft completely changed its approach, reversing its position so much that the Xbox One will now work in much the same way as Xbox 360. There is some collateral damage - such as the loss of digital game-sharing options - but I don't imagine it will be a terrific stretch for Microsoft to introduce features along those lines at a later date, should it wish to do so.
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