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Mental mayhem: Stick it to The Man preview

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  • Mental mayhem: Stick it to The Man preview

    While the chance of Double Fine making a Psychonauts sequel remains slim, the kooky folks at Swedish studio Zoink are working on the closest thing to Tim Schafer's masterpiece with Stick it to The Man, a psychedelic 2D puzzle/platformer about a strange psychic fella who can hear people's thoughts and manifest them as stickers. Or, as protagonist Ray puts it, "I've got a pink spaghetti floating out of my head!"
    Given Ray's newly scrambled brain, it's no surprise that the demo I play begins with Ray waking in an insane asylum. You see, Ray has a dangerous job: he tests hard hats. People drop things over his armoured noggin all day until something goes horribly wrong when a government plane drops a mysterious canister on him and his noodle sprouts a phantom, well, noodle.
    Ray soon discovers that this apparition/appendage grants him a nifty super power that allows him to read people's minds. Better yet, their thoughts appear as stickers in this newly discovered plane of existence and Ray can use his "pink spaghetti" to pull said stickers into reality and even place them in other people's thoughts, if he so desires.
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