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Xbox One's new reputation system detailed

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  • Xbox One's new reputation system detailed

    UPDATE: Microsoft has responded to my concerns that muting random strangers would damage their score. Apparently its weight is negligible and only becomes an issue if thousands of people are always muting the same person. According to Microsoft, this algorithm is quite cautious about jumping to conclusions, and - as noted in the original story - it factors in the complainant's behaviour, so if some troll is haphazardly dishing out negative feedback the system will devalue their say.
    Microsoft's full response is as follows:
    There are many ways to control who you want to chat with on Xbox Live. If you typically avoid in game chat, you can turn it off completely in Settings. If you only like to chat with your friends in game, the best way to do so is through our Party system. Smart Match's new advanced Party system with Xbox One helps with communication by allowing parties (and members) to move in and out of game chat as desired as easily as a quick click.
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