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Sci-fi visual novel Hate Plus dated this month

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  • Sci-fi visual novel Hate Plus dated this month

    Hate Plus, Christine Love's sequel to her cult hit Analogue: A Hate Story, is now set for a PC, Mac and Linux release on 19th August. It will be priced at $10 (about £7).
    The game follows the exploits of the player and their adorable, "spunky/more-than-slightly-traumatized AI sidekick" as they delve into cryptic messages left by the derelict AI Old *Mute to discover what happened during the mysterious "year zero" that caused their society to regress into a hyper patriarchal one. Or, as Love calls it on the game's official site, "A dark visual novel about transhumanism, cosplay, cake-baking, and the slow patriarchal erosion of freedoms taken for granted."
    It sounds interesting, if a little confusing if you've not played Analogue. In fact, returning players can continue their save file from Hate Plus' predecessor. Additionally, a demo will be available, so prospective new players can see how well they get on with Love's esoteric world.
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