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Virgin Media opening free Games Space in London

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  • Virgin Media opening free Games Space in London

    Virgin Media is opening a free "Game Space" at London's Silicon Roundabout to showcase titles like Beyond: Two Souls and Super Pole Riders and run various game jams between the end of August and the Eurogamer Expo in late September.
    Starting 27th August and open for four weeks, the Virgin Media Game Space includes a game collection curated by David Hayward, who also runs the Eurogamer Expo's Indie Games Arcade and Rezzed's Leftfield Collection. Hayward's assembled a line-up including the aforementioned Super Pole Riders, There Shall be Lancing, Krautscape and more.
    Visitors will also get to check out Oculus Rift, the VR headset that secured millions on Kickstarter to fund creation and distribution of its SDK. Oculus was a huge hit at our Rezzed event in July and will also feature at the Eurogamer Expo. If you've never used Oculus, we thoroughly recommend giving it a go - and it's always fun watching someone else try it for the first time too and suddenly come to terms with the head-tracking and depth perception.
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