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Chasing Aurora dev's upcoming Secrets of Rętikon will fly to PC, Mac and Linux

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  • Chasing Aurora dev's upcoming Secrets of Rętikon will fly to PC, Mac and Linux

    UPDATE: Broken Rules' Martin Pichlmair has responded to my inquery about why the studio's moved its Chasing Aurora follow-up to PC after releasing its last couple titles on Nintendo consoles.
    "The main reason for returning to the PC is that we want full creative freedom and less organisational overhead," he told me. "Countless indies have proven that the PC is a viable platform for indie games. Also, And Yet It Moves has more than 500k unlocks on Steam by now - we have a community there that plays our games and knows us. And they are so much easier to reach directly than console gamers."
    He added that Secrets of Rętikon may still come to consoles, though, even if that's not yet in the works. "We have not ruled out going to consoles by the way," he stated. "We just want to cater to the PC first and we definitely don't want to bet on any more console launches in the near future."
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