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Telltale debuts its trailer for Fables: The Wolf Among Us

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  • Telltale debuts its trailer for Fables: The Wolf Among Us

    Telltale Games has shown off the first footage to its The Walking Dead successor: Fables: The Wolf Among Us (via IGN).
    Based on Bill Willngham's Fables universe, the "series of choice and consequences" follows the exploits of Bigby, the Big Bad Wolf manifested as a human sheriff of Fabletown where he has to prevent his nursery rhyme brethren from killing each other as well as keep a lid on his fablemates' existence to the general civilian population.
    Though none of Fables' UI is shown off, the comic-based series is going to function similarly to Telltale's take on The Walking Dead, so expect to make some tough calls where not everyone lives happily ever after.
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