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Ghost Song look an awful lot like Metroid and that's okay

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  • Ghost Song look an awful lot like Metroid and that's okay

    In today's ever-expanding video game industry we tend to place innovation above all else. A neat hook like Journey's limited communication co-op, Spy Party's one-on-one competitive reverse Turing test, or Portal's, well, portals, can do a lot to reinvigorate the medium. Then we have games like the upcoming Ghost Song: A Journey of Hope, which looks so unabashedly like Metroid that it could facetiously be written off as a clone.
    But 'so what?' I say. We've not had a 2D Metroid game since 2004's Zero Mission and based on its Kickstarter pitch, this indie upstart beautifully captures the lonely tone and exotic, alien atmosphere of everyone's favourite series named after a made up jellyfish.
    Ghost Song take's place on an alien world haunted by ghosts who can only be freed from their meager existence through the destruction of their bodies, which just so happen to have taken on sentience and morphed into gross mutant monsters. This whole ghost theme will be central to the story, which developer Matt White says will be "told not through pages of exposition or long cut scenes, but through being in the game, being in the moment, and observing events as they unfold."
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