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7DFPS: There's nothing new under the gun?

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  • 7DFPS: There's nothing new under the gun?

    Somebody once told me that the earliest piece of writing archaeologists have yet discovered is a rant complaining that all the great tales have already been told. This story's almost certainly apocryphal, but it certainly feels like us, the human race. It sounds like the sort of thing we might say.
    In games, we get it all the time, in fact. Hardly a month goes by without someone complaining that a genre's been played out, that we're locked in a cycle of mindless repetition, and that, you know, all the great tales have already been told. This is bobbins, and now the Seven Day FPS game jam is here to help prove it.
    7DFPS takes the perceived wisdom that the first-person shooter is a tired genre and turns it on its head. There's little more for me to say, because the games themselves make the argument beautifully. Over on the jam's website you'll find loads of inventive games to try out - look, even Notch has made one! - and I've picked out a handful of my favourites to get you started.
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