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Letter from America

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  • Letter from America

    Hello again from across the pond. If you missed the first one last week, Letter from America is a regular weekly blog written by old gaming geezer Jaz Rignall, an ex-pat who runs Eurogamer's star-spangled American sister site,
    And we've certainly been spangling the stars this week. After spending most of the summer waiting for new games, a whole bunch of them came around the corner at the same time. The most notable - or at least the game that was rated the highest this week - was Gone Home, which we ended up giving a full five stars.
    The game became a bit of a clarion call to the pseudo-intellectual chin-strokers, who leaped upon it as some kind of validation of games media as an art form. Which of course, it is not. Ultimately, it's clever, it's engrossing, but your feelings towards it will be dictated by how much you relate to its context and setting on a personal level. I played through it with little emotional resonance, while it nailed a good friend of mine right through his heart. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
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