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My daughter's going to learn vital life skills from Spelunky

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  • My daughter's going to learn vital life skills from Spelunky

    My daughter's due date was this Thursday. There's no sign of her so far but, like any father-to-be, I've spent the last few days slightly awestruck by the responsibility I'm facing. I look at the trees outside of the office window and think, cripes, she's not going to know what trees are. Somebody's going to have to tell her about trees. And parliamentary democracy. And Tabasco sauce.
    A lot of the time, that person's probably me. It's up to my wife and I to give this child not just any material comforts we can hustle together for her, but also a decent grounding in morality and some of the basic skills she'll need for life. This poses an obvious question, right? Namely: how can I get someone else - or something else - to do the really tricky stuff for me? Well, I think I have an answer.
    It turns out that my daughter's going to play an awful lot of Spelunky.
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