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Oculus Rift-based dogfighting spin-off EVE: Valkyrie announced

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  • Oculus Rift-based dogfighting spin-off EVE: Valkyrie announced

    Over the spring EVE Online developer CCP constructed a tech demo called EVR that imagined what the space MMO would look like if it were a dogfighting game that used the Oculus Rift. Those who played it were impressed, so the developer decided to flesh out this proof of concept into a full game entitled EVE: Valkyrie.
    Coming to PC next year, Valkyrie will feature multiplayer space combat. CCP isn't discussing whether or not it will have a single-player campaign at this time, or if it will be playable without the VR headset, but the new gizmo is its raison d'être.
    EG-contributor Richard Cobbett was so taken with it this April that he suggested one stand in an excruciatingly long line to play it, lest they regret it forever. "If you're at FanFest and thinking you'll skip the queue for some reason, go stand in it right now. Really. Impossibly long or not, you will bitterly regret if it you don't," he said in his preview of the EVE: Valkyrie tech demo.
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