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Housemarque announces side-scrolling smhup Resogun for PS4

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  • Housemarque announces side-scrolling smhup Resogun for PS4

    Housemarque, the Finnish developer behind the Super Stardust series and Dead Nation, has announced its upcoming PS4 arcade shooter Resogun.
    Touted as a "spiritual successor" to the Stardust series, Resogun tasks players with controlling a ship that cruises around a cylindrical force field protecting a reactor within. Unlike Super Stardust's spherical maps, Resogun's horizontal-only layouts mean the developer can add gravity to the formula. "You actually expect things to fall down, there are ground enemies," explained Housemarque's Mikael Haveri on the PlayStation Blog. "These elements completely change the playfield compared to the Stardust series."
    Additionally, you'll be encouraged to free "dudes" surrounded by alien swarms to gain power-ups and shields. There will be co-op multiplayer, too, but Housemarque isn't discussing the details of that just yet.
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