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Deep Silver clarifies its comment about making Metro "more accessible"

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  • Deep Silver clarifies its comment about making Metro "more accessible"

    Metro: Last Light publisher Deep Silver has clarified its comment last week that it would like to make the Russian post-apocalyptic series "more accessible."
    Deep Silver's global brand manager Huw Beynon has issued a statement saying that this doesn't mean the game will be easier or the subject matter toned down. "We understand the concern, and we would like to reassure the Metro fanbase that Deep Silver has absolutely no intention of compromising Metro's unique DNA," explained Beynon. "We completely understand that it is the passion and evangelism of our fans that allowed Metro to grow from a cult hit to genuine, bonafide hit."
    "Whatever direction a new Metro game takes (and we are still assembling the drawing boards), it will build on the bleak, post apocalyptic pillars of atmosphere, immersion, challenge and depth that sets this franchise apart from the crowd."
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