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Letter from America

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  • Letter from America

    Back in 2007, oil prices were skyrocketing, and Americans were suffering horrendous sticker shock at the prospect of paying well over $4 a gallon for gasoline. While cheap by European standards, in a country where many use sub 15-miles-per-gallon pickups and SUVs for typically long American commutes, this was not good news. Sales of small cars and hybrids increased massively overnight, and the second-hand market for big-engined cars became completely flooded, causing prices to drop as quickly as their fuel gauges.
    So I thought that was the perfect opportunity to purchase a mammoth, dino juice-chugging V8, and after looking around a fair bit, found a minty, low-mileage, near-classic car for bugger all money. Of course, within a few months petrol was back to being cheaper than bottled water, and my car became reasonably affordable to run. It's still going strong and I love it. What has this got to do with games? Bear with me. I'm getting there.
    Being a "near-classic", my car has this thing called a "cassette player", which was utterly useless until I bought an adaptor for it, and lo! Through the magic of magnetics, I could use it to listen to my iPod. Hurrah! However, said iPod decided to join its maker in tech heaven just a few weeks ago, but rather than buy a new one, I dug my first-gen iPhone out of my old-tech drawer and started using that instead. What I'd forgotten is that it had this SID Player App on it that I downloaded a few years ago. It's an awesome program: all yer top C64 choons for a quid-fiddy, and it plays them just like yer old beige box used to. So I've been rolling around the streets of San Francisco listening to banging old 8-bit classics from the likes of Rob Hubbard, Ben Dalglish and David Whitaker.
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