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Aztez is a beat 'em-up with a twist

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  • Aztez is a beat 'em-up with a twist

    Team Colorblind's Ben Ruiz loves beat'em ups. Bayonetta, God of War, Devil May Cry - you name it and he's played it. But as much as he loves the genre, Ruiz wants to do things a little differently. So he's taking matters into his own hands by creating a brawler (of sorts) that's as esoteric as they come.
    Aztez is a beat 'em up, and a stunning looking one at that. Its stark, stylish visuals were just something that Ruiz came up with some years ago during a game jam ("this was before MadWorld," he emphatically states). There are black and white tones with the prerequisite reds - Aztez is after all game about a brutal Central American culture that was steeped in violence - but also greys that pop less than the rest of the colour palette, providing stylised visuals without the eye strain.
    What's maybe more interesting about Aztez, and where it deviates from other games of its ilk, is that it's also a strategy game. When you're not defending the interests of your empire from internal strife, you have to manage your lands and resources and (of course) widen your reach.
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