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The ultimate retro handheld collectors' guide

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  • The ultimate retro handheld collectors' guide

    The rise of smartphones and tablets has subtly altered the definition of portable interactive entertainment. Once the sole preserve of console makers such as Nintendo, Sega, Atari, NEC and SNK, control of the "mobile gaming" market is slowly but surely being usurped by the likes of Google and Apple.
    Gaming on the go used to be about AA batteries, tangled link cables and blurry screens, but all of these elements have now become things of the past; easily-misplaced cartridges have slowly given way to more convenient downloads, low-resolution displays have been superseded by vibrant HD panels and multiplayer mobile gaming now means taking on the entire world rather than the obnoxious kid next door. In so many ways, portable players have never had it better.
    But then nostalgia hits. You never forget the time you scored your first Tetris on the brick-like Game Boy, or when your trusty Game Gear saved that dismal family holiday from being a total failure. Like so many retro relics, vintage handhelds have their own distinct quality - possibly even more so than old home consoles, thanks to the fact that they're more tangible. Countless hours will have been spent cradling these micro-marvels on boring bus trips and that will have created bonds that continue to hold firm with many gamers even today.
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