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Enslaved: Odyssey to the West review

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  • Enslaved: Odyssey to the West review

    Enslaved: Odyssey to the West was a modest success when it launched in 2010. Modest in sales, that is - the few that played Ninja Theory's breezy adventure have often become passionate fans of it. Namco Bandai's hoping to convert more players as it finally brings it to PC this week. To celebrate, here's our original review.
    The first half-hour of Enslaved: Odyssey to the West could bring out the jaded cynic in any action adventure fan. Here we go again, you think, as the camera pans round yet another corridor on yet another rusty old spaceship.
    Oh look, a gruff, spiky-haired, shirtless man with shoulders bigger than his head. He's got abs you could take a brass rubbing from and he's wielding a big stick. Must be our hero, then.
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