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The secrets of Chroma

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  • The secrets of Chroma

    Mark Foster is a man who loves secrets. Not necessarily the messy, sinister kind - I only spoke to him on Skype for 30 minutes so I couldn't really tell you if that's the case, and he seems like an upstanding sort - but rather the kind that snag you in a video game, waiting to be unraveled; those little mysteries that give games like Dark Souls and Fez so much of their magic.
    Chroma, which Foster has been working on for two years, is a game that's full of secrets. They're hinted at in etchings on the damp walls of the sewer you're plunged into, or in the strange murals that you set alive. They're there, too, beyond the pixel-art, within mechanics that are just as strange and wonderful as the world they churn behind.
    Chroma's a game that's reluctant to explain itself, but more than happy for you to investigate. "It's one of those things where the deeper people go into it the more they discover," explains Foster, a chirpy former software engineer based in Manchester who gave up his day job 8 months ago to pursue his passion project full-time.
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