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A DOA Xbox One, Microsoft support and a paperclip

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  • A DOA Xbox One, Microsoft support and a paperclip

    It was 9am on a Saturday morning and I was hunting around my flat for a paperclip. I needed a paperclip because that is Microsoft's chosen tool for manually releasing discs from an Xbox One drive. And I needed to do this because, hours after being unwrapped, my Xbox One needed to go back in its box.
    I'd got my Day One Edition the night before, unwrapped it, updated it, installed a couple of things and loaded up my first game, ready to play. And at this point the console died.
    My console came from Microsoft's online store rather than a regular shop or online retailer so it was pretty clear from the off I'd have to phone Microsoft's Xbox Support. I couldn't do so then, however, as Microsoft's support line had shut, so I attempted to self-diagnose the problem - and in the process discovered a few other things about Microsoft's returns policies.
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