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Eurogamer Readers' Top 50 Games of 2013 voting

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  • Eurogamer Readers' Top 50 Games of 2013 voting

    As usual, we are asking you to name your top five games and then give us a bit of commentary on why they meant so much to you. We will then take your votes, rub them together using maths and wizardry, and produce the Eurogamer Readers' Top 50 Games of 2013, which we'll publish on 31st December or thereabouts for you to admire. Please use the drop-downs and comment boxes below to record your votes.
    Check out last year's Top 50 for an idea of how the finished article will appear. As you can see, we also include a bunch of your comments on the games so you can all delight in each other's wisdom and/or excoriate one another for perceived incompetence. But hopefully there won't be too much of the latter - it's nearly Christmas after all.
    One last thing - we suck the voting lists below from our databases, but sometimes the odd game slips through the cracks. I've spent a few minutes going through and checking for obvious stuff, but if you feel there are games missing from the forms that should be eligible (i.e. they were released somewhere in the world during 2013), then get in touch by email or tweet at us and we'll add them for you.
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